Wessels & Liebau Elder Law Blog

Elder Law Tara Ingalls Elder Law Tara Ingalls

The Father I Lost

I write this on June 21, 2015. Today is Father’s Day. It is also the day that the Team I created in memory of my mother, Velma ,is taking part in The Longest Day, a fundraiser for the Alzheimer’s Association.

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Elder Law Tara Ingalls Elder Law Tara Ingalls

The Mom I Knew

My mother Velma was complex and our relationship was complicated. Like many women of her generation, she took a job during World War II. As a chemistry major in college, she worked in a plant that developed therapeutic uses for penicillin.

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Elder Law Tara Ingalls Elder Law Tara Ingalls

Home for the Holidays

As the rest of you are getting ready to slow down for the holiday season, at Wessels Law Office we are gearing up to be busy. Many non-retail businesses experience a slowdown over the holidays, and retailers feel a January slump. In elder law, on the other hand, we invariably see an uptick in our intake calls between Thanksgiving and New Year’s, and especially just afterward.

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Uncategorized, Medicaid Tara Ingalls Uncategorized, Medicaid Tara Ingalls

Under Wisconsin’s new estate recovery and divestment law, it may be better for spouses to divorce in some cases than to stay married

Having worked with the elderly for 23 years, particularly with the “Greatest Generation” who pride themselves on long-term marriages like my parents’ – 61 years before Dad died in 2008 – and being someone who deeply respects that people believe marriage to be a sacred relationship, I do not say what follows lightly.

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